Civil War

761 to 780 of 989 Objects


Statement of Hiram D. Preston
Hon. Salmon P. Chase
Examination of James M. Bowing
Examination of Fredrick Gwinner
From Edward Fitch to Those...Who So Generously Responded to the Appeal for Help
Examination of William Bryant
Examination of W.G. Searcy
Wyandotte Constitution
Examination of John R. Hall
St. Louis Riot
Examination of Anderson B. Everett
Nancy Walker Lyon Harris
Examination of Thomas Morrison
Benjamin (Ben) Broomfield
Examination of James M. Keller
1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry Memorial at Fort Scott National Cemetery
It Went Against Us
From Thomas Sherwood to Friend Woodward
From John W. Clem to Robert M. Stewart
From M.C. Goodlett to Robert M. Stewart
