Civil War

81 to 100 of 1350 Objects


Roger Brook Taney
Examination of Jasper Thomas
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Independence, Missouri
Examination of Jonathan G. Payne
From Abishai Stowell to Margaret Torrence
William Clarke Quantrill
Examination of Clifton Searcy
Lt. William Bunkley and Sgt. Channing Bunkley
Old Sacramento
From John A. Bushnell to Eugenia Bronaugh
From A.J. Huntoon to My Beloved Wife and Boy
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg
Examination of James Carson
From Charles Sumner to My Dear Hale
Charleston, South Carolina. Ruins of Secession Hall
From George Lewis to Mrs. Fitch
From Edward Bates to James L. McDowell
The Mountain Meadows Massacre
Soldier, Eleventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry
